"Save all Templates *WITHOUT* media" default preference option

Why after so many years is this not addressed?

You are Recording a Band 5 Song Session. Or working on a MIDI based orchestral composition
After Song 1 is done the project setup and mixer levels etc are nicely in place so you decide you want to save a Template
However Cubase keeps all of its links to Audio files and MIDI data in tracks when you save this Template

Now start a new Project using this new template. The project opens up with all settings, MIDI tracks etc but also all Audio files. But what you really want is a BLANK canvas. So you decide to select all and delete and then go to the Pool and Delete Thrash.

Go back to Song one in the session and load it. All of your audio is now deleted forever.

Surely, as in Protools, there should be an option when saving a template to include or not include media at this stage. Minimal programming effort involved.

Improve The "Save As Template" Function - #34 by mart - Cubase - Steinberg Forums.

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Today you have this option to avoid problems:
1- duplicate the project folder (copy-paste) with cubase project and audio files inside
2- open the project of the duplicated folder
3- A window will ask you what project folder use (original folder or duplicated folder)
4- Choose duplicated folder
5- Remove all audio/midi events from project window and from pool
6- Save your template

Hello again my old friend Template saving thread.

Asking for it for 10 years

Create New project from saved template;
ctrl+A to select everything;
Open media assets dialog;
Remove unused files, selecting the Remove from Pool option;
Save template;
Start making your “next big hit!”.
Time to accomplish: 15 seconds. (A damn sight quicker than it took me to write this!)
Maybe, with unlucky C13, Steinberg has more important issues to worry about.

Even that workaround does not really work if you have TRACK VERSIONS - then the “remove unused files” leaves you with lots of “used” audio as it’s on different versions. Steinberg, come on - SAVE TEMPLATE without AUDIO and MIDI can’t be that hard, you’re big boys ?

Instead of duplicating the entire folder, or making a template out of a populated project, try this;

  • Duplicate the Cubase SONG FILE only. (I like to add the word Template to that copy)
  • Open that new copy.
  • Purge the arrange page.
  • Purge all mixer automation (It’s easy to overlook this step.)
  • Purge the pool NON DESTRUCTIVELY. Meaning DO NOT “Erase files from hard drive”.
  • Save that Copy of the song.
  • THEN Save as Template.

The original project is left untouched.