Save custom key commands setup

it would be very helpful to be able to save your custom key commend setup.
instead of having to start all over.
joakim sandgren

The usual behavior is that your keycommands_xx.json (where xx is your language layout, mine is fr) is saved into your user folder. On mac, it’s in the user library>Application support >Steinberg>Dorico 5
On PC, it’s Roaming>smth I don’t know but you can find it in the forum
That json file can be duplicated and saved anywhere you want.
Having to start over is not normal, something has gone wrong…

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Hello !
Yes, I know. And this is what I’m doing.
I only thought it would be good and more simple to have it in-app and a little less ruff than rummaging around in the libraries…
Thank you for Metrico ! Solved everything
Joakim Sandgren