Saving Optimization Feature

If you have a 1,000+ track project save times get long, and the .cpr file gets huge. It tends to correlate with having a large amount of VST instruments. Rather than saving the VST data every time, could there be a choice of saving the whole session or a streamlined save that has only the things that changed? To implement this, maybe there could be a large main file, and a more streamlined .bak type file?

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A combination of crash-paranoia and large orchestral templates means that every 10 minutes I have to wait up to 30 seconds whilst Cubase freezes and background saves. I’ve been hoping for this to improve since Cubase 7, but alas every update the save times seem to get longer and longer :frowning:

I’m surprised to not see anyone else jumping on this suggestion, surely it can’t be just Andrew and I that have a big problem with these save times?


It’s been complained about for many years now. I think many have lost hope.

It’s really bad when you have a client behind you and you have to wait 60s for the session to save. There has got to be a better way…




+1 whatever means is used to better the situation would be good, this does steal time away.

