Selecting Note Length with Quntize (or keyboard shortcuts) in Score Editor doesn’t work. Here is a screenshot from Cubase 13, where the Q value corresponds to the selected Note Length. Also there are no direct keyboard shortcuts for whole note, half note etc. in Cubase 14 …
Complete missing Keyboard Shortcuts for Enharmonic Shifts in Score Editor in Cubase 14. This is screenshot from Cubase 13, all this is missing in 14 …
Moving Focus from the Visibility Tab to the Score Editor Main part (Score Editor in Window) doesn’t work. When pressing TAB, I get an error message: “… is not currently available”. When You want to move focus with the mouse it only works on the edge of Score Editor Window by clicking somewhere near edge line …
The Grid known from Dorico does not correspond to the Quantize or Grid option in the main window of the Score Editor in the window. It is a question of how it works … There are special keyboard shortcuts for this in Dorico..
I can’t find a way to move the cursor between rows of instruments, like violins 1 & 2 or violas. Up & Down keys always only changes the selection in the Visibility tab. Even Left & Right keys doesn’t work sometimes. All in Score Editor window. Possibly untested scenario …
Thanks for your feedback Martin. We are looking at adding more key commands to the Score Editor in upcoming patch releases.
Hi Stefan. Thank you very much. Hope it helps to all users. Some are missing Keyboard shortcuts, some are Bugs or something to fix in the workflow habbits. Maybe there are different or new ways to do things …
Cursor step inside Score editor in Window doesn’t lead Quantize option. I’m using Nudge Cursor Left & Right ; Quantize set to: 1/8. So each press of Nudge Cursor Left jumps to the next bar, as shown in the pictures. Cubase 13 does this well. Cubase 14 does this well in Editor in lower zone
Step 1
Step 2
Cubase Score editor User guide help page
Some things are bugs, some missing things …
Thanks, I’ll log that. For context, I’ve been using Cubase for 30 years and I’m constantly discovering key commands I never knew about that are important parts of many users workflows. For instance there are about 30 different ‘nudge’ commands, but I’ve never come across these Nudge Cursor ones before (though I do use numpad -/+ for Transport Forward).
Many of these commands need to be re-implemented in the score editor, so please continue to report any important missing ones you find.
Now fixed
Great, some of these things or all of them ?
just the nudge cursor command for now!
Is there anything I need to explain or to do on my end to clarify issues and things what I have described? Since Cubase is my main tool at the moment, I want to help you with all this …
This is all great, thanks. Please do continue to feed back on other things you find are missing which are important for your workflow.
Real example of an impossible scenario. I want to copy notes in the staff to another instrument. I can select notes in the circle with the mouse or keyboard, but I can’t move the cursor to Vln. II. B line to mark the target point. In Dorico, the cursor works across lines and instruments. Cubase 14, Score Editor in Window.
Common situation, you need copy notes between line:
If there are no notes in the receiveing staff, click on its name in the visibilty inspecotr.
If there are notes, click twice on one to select the staff
Hi Paul,
Is it possible that in Cubase 15 or Nuendo 15 the Dorico version (if you have the license) opens instead off the Cubase or Nuendo version? So we get full integration?