Score Editor: pink color vs black dynamic markings


What is the pink color dynamic markings in Cubase Score editor. I noticed that the black ones do not respond to the dynamic markings at all! So I need to delete them and remark the score. I don’t know how they got there! Please see my attachments.


The black ones are just graphics and located in the Dynamics tab/palette.
The colored ones are “active” and come from Dynamics Mapping palette.
You can map and configure the latter and control the data they send by, for example, double-clicking on one of them in the score, or right-clicking on one in the palette and click “Dynamics Mapping…”.
You have the possibility to assign different parameters for each staff.
And finally you can also change their color in Preferences.

Awesome. I wish there were colors for cres and decresc markings. Thank you very much.