Score Editor User Symbol Enhancement: Resize, rotate, and reflect


It would be great if we could

  1. resize the user symbol after insertion
  2. rotate and flip vertically and horizontally
  3. shear transformation!

I assume the symbols are stored as XML files. Scalable Vector Graphics (SVG) is also in .xml format. So the user symbols can be converted fairly easily, if the developers choose to. This would give huge possibility to insert, tilt Glissando, adjust symbols.



I use Glyphs (only on MAC) an Fontlab (both Win and macOS) to create different symbols/graphics, then I insert them as text. A down side concerning macOS users is that the font doesn’t automatically update after you export it from the font editing software. So, in order to see the changes you’ve made (to the font), you need to restart Cubase. This doesn’t happen with Windows users.