Score one page compressed

Hi, I have a score of 53 pages with 3 blocs. One of the pages, page 2, doesn’t display like the others. It looks compressed. How can I get the same layout for all pages.
Martin C.

change the Layout Options>Vertical Spacing>Vertical justification settings.

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Thanks Janus, will this affect all pages or only this one. Why is there on 52 pages only one that displays like this?

It will affect all pages in the layout. But it looks like your middle page is close the point at which it would justify to a whole page.

The default value “before it justifies vertically” is 60%, IIRC. I simply use 50% and this kind of problem disappears (sometimes even less than 50, if needed). My settings (as default) are now 50% and 90% for the other setting (only justify the system break space when filled above 90%). YMMV


@Janus @MarcLarcher

I have set vertical settings to 55% and boom. Everything’s in place as it should.
Thanks to both of you.

Martin C.