Screen jumps when adding Midi notes

Hi all,
Anyone else had the issue where manually adding Midi notes using a pencil causes the screen to rapidly jump and the resulting note ending up in the wrong place? This has happened very frequently for quite a few months.
On my short video I attempted to add a note on A0 but the sudden screen jump put this note on F#0

Hi @fixitmania53

Thanks for your report.

Unfortunately I’m unable to reproduce the problem.
Are you able to provide us with the exact steps, to make it happen?


Hi Lars,
It happened so randomly that I can never predict when it is going to happen, but the first time I open any midi editor and insert notes using my e-pencil, this is the time the screen jumps, sometimes 2 or 3 octaves, other times 2 or 3 semitones, it will not jump again whilst editing this particular track unless I exit Midi editor and reopen it, but it is random and does not always do it a second time, I have just reproduced the issue before I wrote this reply.
It happens in new and existing projects on both iPad Air 4 and 13” iPad Air M2. I have closed all apps, shut rebooted both devices but it still has this random problem.
Sorry I can’t be any more specific.

Hi @fixitmania53

Thanks for the additional info.

So you are inserting the notes using an e-pencil (which is different from entering the notes via tap).

Please let me have a few more infos: which device and OS are you using and which pen model?

Will share your findings, to discuss the topic with our engineering.


I am using both iPad Air 4 with 4Gb ram and 256Gb HD, version iPadOS 17.6
and iPad 13” iPad Air M2 with 8Gb ram and 256Gb HD, version iPadOS 17.6
I am using Cubasis 3 v3.6.6.
The two separate Active Stylus Pens have no name, they were both from Amazon and cost around £29 each, I use one until the battery runs out then swap to the fully charged pen.
I never use my fingers to tap in notes, that would be as accurate as using the heel of my foot in comparison to the pen.
If you can’t replicate this issue, please don’t worry, I originally was enquiring to see if anyone else had this problem.