I’ve just bought Second hand Zoom R16 from CeX in the UK. It did not come with an activation code for Cubase LE, even though it says it is included on the original box. Can I get one for free, or do I have to pay for it? Are there any other DAW’s that will work on it?
Update: I’ve just downloaded the 60 day free trial of Cubase Elements 13 with a view to paying for it if it’s what I’m looking for… BUT I can’t seem to get any sounds out of the Zoom R16. I can control things with the Mackie, like faders and record. I just can’t seem to get anything to record. I’ve looked online for information, but just get older versions of Cubase. I have a brand new laptop that I bought specifically to have a higher performance for music programmes.
If I can’t get any joy from the trial version, I certainly won’t bother paying for it. Can anyone help?
Yeah, I’ve tried all that. I’ve tried it on MIDI and Audio channels, I’ve selected every option to Zoom R16/R24 on every setting in the studio menu. The audio channel is just a distorted mess. I might just try another DAW program, as all the YouTube clips just tell me how it’s almost impossible to get it to work on Cubase