Seconds' default spacing oddity that is probably correct

SATB score. Because tenor has theoretical invisible stem pointing down, the seconds get spaced oddly compared to other staves. I know that it is according some spacing rules of Dorico but the visual result like this does not look good or logical spacing-wise. Of course this was corrected by force [F]lipping the direction in write mode and everything was spaced logically.

Maybe, quite possibly, I have overlooked or am not aware of some setting that automatically fixes issues like this. If so, please point that out to me.

I think there was a similar thread last year.

The conclusion was that having different spacing was “traditional”, and aligning them all was more “modern” practice.

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I did search for seconds spacing but then again I have searched probably for “spacing” and not “alignment”. Sorry for polluting, thanks for your answer.

Here we go.

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Yes! There I went!
Thank you @benwiggy for the link. That was educational, learnt something today. Many examples from different books and practices. I also understand why I did not find the thread with search, because I always do the search first here.

I search from the “main page” of the Dorico forum. Make sure you add the dorico tag, otherwise you get cubase etc. In this case, I tried “seconds alignment”, and it was in the first few results.

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Indeed. Because English is obviously not my first tongue I did search “spacing” and indeed the alignment would have been the correct word.
Hopefully I did not do a lot of damage besides polluting the universe a bit.

as a non English speaker one has heard about the second amendment…

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Please don’t associate English with the 2nd Amendment. That the US Constitution hijacked our language is just an accident of history.