Select and Delete All Expression C11 in Midi Track(s)

I used from years ago several SMF data in the most of them there are made Fade Outs with C11 (expression) i use Cubase Pro 14 and all before…
Is there somebody can help me to solved this problem

if you select the events in your tracks
and you apply the logical editor delete cc11
This doesn’t work?


You can also use the List Editor. Or you can use the Range Selection tool in the Key Editor.

But I would also go for the MIDI Logical Editor preset.

Hi Thanks

But i give it a try and works 100% perfect

Met vriendelijke groet, With best regards, Mit freundlichem Grußen, Bien à vous, Saygılarımızla, 此致 敬礼

P.J.A. van den Berg
Studio Eleven Productions
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VAT ID: NL001289388B79