Can someone please tell me how to do this? I want to select the text that is behind. If I click any text, the front item drags. If I shift-option click, it selects the text I want to drag, but as soon as I click to drag it, it reselectes the text I don’t want.
Can you temporarily move it with alt+arrows in Engrave mode?
Yes… That’s the only way I’ve been able to do that, but is that really the one solution? There’s no way to just click and drag?
Perhaps flip it with f in Write mode, make the changes, and flip it back again.
I haven’t seen the video (I’m on my phone), but in general, you can select objects that are covered by other objects with shift-alt-click (shift-option-click on Mac). When you repeat this, you cycle through all objects that might be stacked on top each other.
Yes, that’s what I’ve done. But once I have the correct item selected there’s no way to click and drag it. As soon as I go to drag it, the other unwanted item is selected again.
Click and drag the first item out of the way.
Put the second item where you want it.
Then restore the first item to its original position.
It takes no time at all.
Then what is the purpose of being able to cycle through selection of overlapping items? Seems like a minor flaw, no?
Have you tried moving the selected item by using option/alt+arrow instead of dragging?
Yes, as noted above. I guess my question/point is simply that it seems odd to me that you can click and drag items, and you can cycle through the selection of items, but you cannot cycle though to highlight the desired item AND THEN just drag it. If I am using the mouse to select things, it feels very inefficient to have to go to the keyboard to then move it when my pointer is already right there.
I know this is a relatively small thing, but I was just thinking there had to be some way to do this and I was just missing it. Apparently not! Thanks for the input, all.