Selecting all notes with fingering

Dear developers,

I have downloaded a musicxml file from and want to remove all the fingerings in the file. However, selecting all notes does not show the fingering properties.
Could you implement a feature to select all notes with fingerings?

Kind regards.

After selecting all, try Edit > Notations > Fingering > Reset Fingering, or right-click on the selection and choose Fingering > Reset Fingering. Also, there is a Key Command called “Reset Fingering” (in Preferences > Key Commands > Edit) to which you can assign a key combination.

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Relating to your original post: if you deselect any grace notes in your selection, the Fingerings and Positions section will show in Properties. You also need to deselect any tuplet markings - just the numbers and brackets. The notes in the tuplets do not need to be deselected.

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I just ran into the unfortunate fact that if you select fingering applied to both normal and grace notes, nothing shows in the Properties Panel in both Write and Engrave Modes. This makes editing groups of fingering more difficult. Improving this behavior would be very helpful.

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