Send Cue and Group Track

I have a problem with Cubase and I hope you can help me fix it.
I am currently using Cubase 13, an update I recently did.
I am currently rehearsing with a guitarist friend and I have created, via the Control Room, two Cues to output a different headphone mix per musician (guitar and drums).
I have created a Group track to be able to manage the levels of the entire drum kit (Kick, Snare, Toms…) with this single track by associating them with this Group track.
The problem I am having is that I cannot, via Send Cue, lower or raise the overall level of this Group track. Nothing happens and the volume does not change, whatever I can modify.
What mistakes could I have made to achieve this result?
Can you help me?
Thank you

Hi and welcome to the forum,

Could you attach a screenshot of the MixConsole, where we can see the routing and the Cue tabs expanded, please?

If it’s to any help:
Page 494 - CB 13 operation manual , about “Control room - Setting up a cue mix” .

Thanks for your help and concern :slight_smile:
I think I found where my mistake came from.
I had correctly associated each drum track with the “Drums” group but I had not deactivated the Send Cue on each drum track so it came out all the time, regardless of the setting made on the “Drums” Group track. :frowning:
Sorry for the inconvenience and thanks again.
Happy New Year to all (by the way)!!


No problem. Thanks for sharing your success and your process!

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