Is it possible to feedback the signal into the same track in Cubase.
It can be seen done here by Noah Sitrin in Reaper :
Is it possible to feedback the signal into the same track in Cubase.
It can be seen done here by Noah Sitrin in Reaper :
No, you can’t do this in Cubase. You can route output of a Track/Channel to another Audio Track.
I thought so yes. Its a pity. However here is how I did it by copying the content to another track and using it as a modulating source through sidechain. The result is exactly the same as in the video in case other people wants to replicate it.
There is few tricks in sound design that are using feedback loop, sure it’s a pity that we can not activate that option in preferences.
For real time experimentation iam using Blue Cat’s connector…
So you insert that as a plugin on the track in Cubase and it will feed the signal back ?
It’s very well explain here
And don’t forget a limiter with a low threshold on your Master or Control Room to prevent ear injury when you experimenting with loop-feedback.
Probably you aware of it but for other it’s good to remind it
oh great. So I would be able to do what Noah Sitrin does in the video I linked to above ?
To be honest I am not sure about the exact signal flow
Best, Thomas
Hello Thomas,
In fact i haven’t see all the video at first when i replied on your topic , i saw the title and answer to your question. But now in fact i am not sure to see where Noah Sitrin is using loop-feedback.
As i can see now he is using denoiser and vocoder tricks as filter to attenuate some frequency.
For the “liquid texture” it’s some others process but it’s only briefly explain at the beginning of the video.
ok i see he is saying that he is self-modulating the side-chain of the M-Vocoder, maybe try to do it in parallel to a group or a FX channel and then loop-feedback that channel group or fx.
Hey Tepa. I actually made it work as you can see on the above screenshot I send. But in this example I used two tracks and it would be a bit more convenient to do it on only one track.
Could you maybe take a screenshot of how you would send it to an FX channel and back to the vocoder if you have time. Cheers.
Hello Thomas !
So in fact the self modulate is only concerning the side-chain of the vocoder.
In my picture you will see that i am sending pre-fader the “Noise track” to the “FX Denoise” (where the “denoiser” vocoder is) and at the beginning of that chain you have the blue cat connector in send mode.
And then i made a “FX Side-Chain” where you only put the blue cat connector in receive mode. That Fx Side-Chain is use for the side-chain (pre-fader) of the vocoder (see picture in green).
The result signal is ear on the FX Denoise track, so this is how i understand the tricks when using the vocoder as “denoiser”
Cool. I am trying to get Bluecat connector to work. But after installing it is not showing up in Cubase. I am using this file. BlueCatConnectorVST3DemoSetup.exe
No idea why it is happening.
Sorry Thomas, for that i have no idea, maybe check your black list…
Thank you for mentioning our plug-in. You probably want to use the 64-bit installer (VST3-x64) as Cubase is a 64-bit app.