Hi all,
I’m new to VST live and trying to wrap my head around the workflow.
I’d like to use Stepic by DeviceMeister plugin, a plugin sequencer, to send midi notes to an external synth.
The midi tracks in VST Live can send midi notes out, to a Layer hosting VST plugin or to an external midi output, i get it.
But the midi tracks cannot host a plugin… so i’m trying to host the sequencer plugin in a Layer, but cannot find our to send midi notes out of the software…
Is it even possible? Or i just miss something.
… it’s currently not possible, but we are working on it. Stay tuned,
Ok so it’s not me, i feel better, in a way!
But yeah, i really thought it was already there as it seems to me a pretty common use case.
Good to know it’s coming, hopefully soon.
Hello @Spork !
I just upgraded to VST Live PRO 2 with hope that controling external hardware was now possible, it doesn’t seem to be, am I correct?
… yes, for the moment. It’s already “done”, but it did not make it to Prime Time of VST Live 2. Just give us a bit and we’ll push it version 2.
See you,
Ok great to hear.
It’s interesting how each user is consedering that this or this feature is core / top priority, when in fact it’s not necessarily a must have.
For me, controlling & sequencing external gear is essential, it will probably help VST Live Pro to compete with Ableton Live, which for dawless musicians remains the leader i guess (maybe more than Apple Mainstage).
I’ll be patient, thxs!
I’m downloading the 2.1 and checked the log history / improvements, i don’t think to enable VST Live to send midi note to external gear, right?
Sure, check Devices/Connections to have your external port defined.
Use a Layer or MIDI Track and set its output pointing to it.
Sorry I was not super clear, what i’d like to do is to use a plugin in a layer (stepic by DeviceMeister), to send midi notes to external gear. I don’t see any midi output field in the layer/ VST section, only an input.
I guess you are talking about 3rd party MIDI plugin, right?
Yes, e.g.: https://devicemeister.com/
Regarding the developers posts, they are working on it, but if you follow things here there were things needed attention and as user I absolutely agree to be careful with new features. But if they promissed, they will surely make your wish come true soon or later
This has been asked and promised for a very long time - myself included in Nov last year. It truly is surprising, all competing products had it from inception as it absolutely is a core feature for its intended purpose.
I also purchased the second release with high hopes based on previous comments, but stopped using it all together when I found it was still missing. It was ‘done’ four months ago…
Hi! First, I understand how much you wish this feature and if having a look you see the high amount of different issues need to be polished. But you see, the plugin “connectors” are done too.
Second: meanwhile… there were things (like Audio Multi Processing) were pressured a lot finally appeared to cause troubles in different scenarios. Emagine the same with the 3rd party midi plugins where your gig goes trash in live because the lack of testing … would it be better?
Third, there is absolutely no need to increase your pressure with shaming.
I can pick any application that has a feature VSTL can’t compete with, but can’t pick any other app that has ALL features that VSTL currently has.
Shaming? If anything I am confused - it was stated multiple times to be pretty much ready.
Since the name reads “VST Live” - controlling both VST and external instruments can and should be expected as a core function, maybe more so than say color and contrast functions for the video track. I totally agree with the fact that VSTLive has a unique and wonderful workflow, which is why this wait makes it so painful - we can’t implement it until it is ready.
If you would have a need to route VST sequencers or use midi transformers, you couldn’t use it at all, you can’t use just a part of it. So yes, this is very confusing - I can’t use a product that I paid for twice. And yes, I am very eager for this feature to be implemented.
… sorry, we can understand you and we’ve pushed this feature-wish to Prio #1 now.
That is amazing to hear Michael! I will help as much as I can testing and sorting out any bugs once it becomes available.