Setting to place cursor on mouse click?

I’ve been trying to find a setting for this but I came up empty. That doesn’t mean it doesn’t exist, so I’ll ask.

When I’m working on a project and I want to place the cursor at a specific point, I need to move the pointer to the area with the bar numbers, which changes the mouse pointer to this:

…and click. If I move it a little higher, it turns into the hand that enables loop between the locators.

Is there no way to bring the cursor to the mouse pointer by clicking anywhere in the main tracks area or the MIDI notes editor that is not occupied by anything else? Or even anywhere in those two sections, just clicking once and the cursor is set to that position.

Is there no option or setting for that?

There are a couple ways.

alt-shift-click, or there’s a pref for moving the cursor to the mouse click in the Transports section of the Preferences.


You’re the man!!

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no! you’re the man!

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No! You da man! :laughing:

That’s it. Step outside!

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none of you are the man…

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so I suppose you’re the man.

I’m just a man.


now we´re talking
