I try to create a score with lyrics. I can do this without problems, but when i try to add shades, theres will be alway be put on the top of the staff.
My wish is to put them on the bottom of the staff (like all instruments staff).
Have you any idea to solve this problem ?
Thanks a lot for your answers.
Welcome to the forum @joseph.cabrit
I’m not quite sure what you mean by “shades”.
Do you mean dynamics? It is usual for vocal staves to place things like dynamics above the staff, so they don’t get in the way of the lyrics.
You can Flip most things in Dorico – Slurs, Dynamics, note-stems, text – just by selecting them and pressing F.
Thanks a lot, it answer my question.
Is it also posible to force this flip for all dynamics of singers staff ?
Yes, don’t use a vocal player. Use an instrument instead, and the dynamics will be below.
Yes, I have try it, but in this case, I will have bars between staff, and it is not totally usefull for lyrics reading.
Hi @joseph.cabrit, you can un-join the barlines. In Engrave Mode, select the first barline and press Delete.:
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Thanks a lot for your help !