Shortcut video follows moving event

Hello !
I would like the video to follow the start of an event while moving it. It works in editing mode when i move it with the mouse but i never found a shortcut.
On PT it’s very simple with these shortcuts : , (-nudge) ; (-1frame) : (+1frame) = (+nudge)

Thank you very much for your help.


I don’t know if it’s standard or I defined it. But I configured it to be CTRL-E.
The name is Use Video Follows Edit Mode. You can find it under that name in the Key Commands and there, define your shortcut.

Sorry for my English.
I’m aware about Edit Mode (E).
With this mode enabled, the picture follows the beginning of events but only if i move them with the mouse.
I’m looking for a shortcut for moving an event by ± x frames with video following that move.

I found the Nudge Palette in Project window Toolbar. Now i cannot find a shortcut in the list for “Move Left” and “Move Right”.

Found it in Nudge / Left Right

Sorry I haven’t understood what you meant exactly. So did it work? Did you find what you were looking for?