Should Multi-bar Rests with "Tacet al fine" show in Galley View?

I typically have Multi-bar Rests turned on in Layout Options > Players > Bar Rests and Multi-bar Rests. However, when I create a new project and start by adding multiple bars to a score in order to insert notes freely, I get a multi-bar rest for the whole piece with “tacet al fine”, even when working in Galley View in the Full Score. This problem remains even after inserting some bars of music, as seen in the photo attached. I would prefer not to be switching this option on and off every time I make a new project.

Is this a bug? I currently use Dorico 3.5.

The option for “tacet al fine” or a bar count at the end of flows is here.

Thanks for the answer, Lillie, but it didn’t help. These settings do not prevent Dorico from showing the multi-bar rests, they only change the multi-bar rest’s appearance.

In that case, what you’re looking for is perhaps this option?

Your screenshot shows options relating to Dorico’s automatic tacet feature, which is separate from multi-bar rests.

That one is the option I need to keep switching on and off, and that’s what I would like to avoid. What I really would like is to have multi-bar rests in Page View but no multi-bar rests in Galley View, but I cannot find a setting to do so.

That’s not possible, but what you could have is a separate layout where multi-bar rests are not allowed (basically, 2 full score layouts: one with, one without multi-bar rests) so you can work in whichever one makes most sense at the time but without undoing and redoing the setting you ultimately want in your finished score.

There’s no limit to how many layouts you can have in the same project and they can show the same players and music; you don’t just have to have one score and one part per player.

That could be a solution, but it would take at least as much work to create a new layout every time I start a new project as it takes toggling the settings we mentioned above. I just don’t get why multi-bar rests are even a thing in Galley View.

Thanks for taking the time to answer, anyway. :slight_smile:

Having score layouts in 2 tabs, one for Page view and the other for Galley view, would also save a lot of the time it takes to switch between those views.

Another thought: If the reason you only sometimes want multirests is to speed up scrolling past empty parts of the score, Go To Bar might be even more efficient.

You could do what I and many other Dorico users have done, which is to assign keyboard shortcuts to frequently used actions. I use the actions of turning multi-bar rests on and off a lot, and I find using keyboard shortcuts to be a real time-saver.

The applicable command to turn on multi-bar rests can be found in Preferences > Key Commands > Edit > Change Bar Consolidation > Multi-bar rests.
To turn multi-bar rests off, assign a shortcut in Preferences > Key Commands > Edit > Change Bar Consolidation > None.
Alternatively, you could just assign a keyboard shortcut to Preferences > Key Commands > Edit > Toggle Bar Consolidation.
To make them easy to remember, I have assigned (I’m on a Mac) cmd-opt-M to turn them on and ctrl-cmd-opt-M to turn them off. When I found the toggle command, I assigned shift-cmd-opt-M to it. If you decide to utilise this feature, you can choose whatever key combinations you want.

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This is a simple and elegant solution. Thanks!