Show hidden or deleted rest again

Unfortunately, when hiding or deleting rests of voice 2 in bar 4 accidently I have hidden as well the quarter rest at beat one of voice 1. After noticing this mistake I could not manage to reenter the quarter rest in voice 1 at beat one. Instead I had to add a new bar with the notes of bar 4 to get the quarter rest again in the new bar at beat one.

2023-03-03 show hidden rest in bar 4 again

Is there any other solution then this work around with a new bar and entering the notes again?

Select the first note after the removed rest, and look in the Properties panel: deactivate the Starts voice property.

Thanks for the quick tip, however starts voice in properties has not been active at all by clicking the note after the rest.

I can enter a quarter note at beat 1, however I cannot change it to a rest by selecting comma or deleting the note.

Finally I have found the solution by clicking Force duration (O) and clicking the rest (,) sign I could reenter the rest at beat one again.

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An alternative route is to find the previous note or rest in this voice, immediately preceding the removed rest, and checking whether it has “Ends voice” active. If it is active, deactivate it.

(Removing rests in Dorico uses these two properties Ends/Starts voice to suppress rests in the affected voices.)

Thanks Lillie for this tip. Yes, with the preceding rest or note it worked as you described.

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Thank you! After reading this tip (force duration and “,”) I was able to solve an initial silent bar problem due to the whole bar rest (in 6/4 time) not showing. It was bugging me for a while but not any more…

What is the reason (not apparent to me) for using the current method of hide/show rests compared to the Sibelius way (that I think is more manageable, and you can see hidden rests)?

In Dorico, rests don’t exist. They’re not “things” themselves but rather the empty space between things (notes), and the application dynamically generates them between the things (notes) depending on the context (prevailing meter and notes in the vicinity). Rests in Dorico aren’t “hidden” or “shown”, because again they don’t exist; rather voices are started and ended via the Properties panel. A voice that “ends” in the middle of a bar will not have any rests after it, because the voice has been ended. When you do “Remove Rests” in Dorico, the application is flipping those start/end voice properties, more so than actually removing the rests that you see (which again aren’t really there to begin with).