Show Lanes Button

Win10, CUB Elements 10.5

I am in a keep history rec mode, I cycle recorded few takes and I want to see the lanes. However I do not see the Show Lanes Button in my track.
How do I find and activate Show Lanes button or “Show Lanes” … or activate the mode that shows it?


With Cubase Elements - Not at all.

They left almost all of Comping functionality but did not leave the SHow lanes button??

I am new here alright buy That does not make any sense.

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They left almost all of Comping functionality but did not leave the SHow lanes button??

I am new here alright buy That does not make any sense.



I am totaly new to Cubase. I have version 11 Elements. for a week now. Like you I can’t see the show lane button. I would like to know if you found it since you posted that message.

Now when I click in the middle of audio container I can see all my takes and I can toggle between then all. I can see a list of takes with the version take 1, take 2 , take 3 … but I can’t see the shape of the audio file. I there a trick that I am missing.

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I am using Cubase 12 Pro and I too have the problem with show lanes icon not showing under R W E III etc

If you click on the track and look in the top left hand corner where the volume button is, the show lane icon is up there, the bit near the Unlock symbol.

I hope this helps mate

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it is awefuly nice of you to offer your help. However, the people asking for lanes used Cubase Elements and lanes are not part of the feature set of that version.


Thank you mate for showing screenshot of settings, also thank you for pointing out that the feature is unavailable for previous versions.

Get upgrading everybody because comping lanes make such a difference for the perfect take! :kissing_heart:

I got around it by dragging the take to another position ( to the Right) and “unveiling” each take.

I’m using Cubase 13 AI. Is ‘show lanes’ available in this version?

Comping is only a feature of Pro and Artist versions.