SHOW NOTES in a CUE for the Drummer

I have a Drum chart where I have added a Piano CUE.

At the moment it just shows as r
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hythm (even when using the Transposed Clef Option).

I just would like the drummer to be able to see the shape of the melody, is there a way to show the cue as pitched notes, rather than just rhythm?


We can’t show pitches on an unpitched percussion staff. In the screenshot the cue notes are all in one instrument in the kit, thus they’re all on the same line.

In order to show a melody you’ll have to add a cue staff, such as Sketch > Treble staff, to the drum player. Add the cue in the sketch staff in galley view. Then, as long as there are no notes in the drums that overlap the cue, in page view Dorico will switch instruments on the same staff. (If they do sound together, both staves will be displayed.)


Great, thanks!