Show VCAs and Groups with instrument-linked tracks in the mixconsole

I have been trying for a long time to create a PLE or a macro that allows you to see in the mixconsol the visible instrument tracks with the groups and the linked VCAs.
I finally achieved something but
it works if I execute the macro from the keyboard shortcuts
but not from my macro linked to my button on my touch screen
Any ideas

I have my active tracks and my groups and my VCAs visible

Finally it’s random with my Sherlock Plugin
either it works or I only have my group tracks

I don’t have the VCAs

Since the time I have been looking for this solution
I thought I had arrived there but it’s not quite there yet

At first glance I found the solution with a PLE
by reproducing the same commands as in the macro
by including them in pre and post orders
For now it works
I will try with the other families of instruments

Well I spoke too quickly that I added a second family for example Woodwinds it no longer works

I finally found the solution
with a macro like I did at the beginning
using hide for unwanted tracks

And Woodwinds

Cubase with its macros and PLEs gives us enormous possibilities but we often have to rack our brains

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Here is an animation of the macros


sorry but I don´t get what you were trying to achieve, I don´t see hidden tracks in Mixconsole.

The principle is quite simply to be able to have the instrument tracks, groups and VCAs of the same family or folder visible
in the mix console if you prefer because when you have a lot of tracks and you only use the visibility configurations of the mixconsole it becomes very complicated because there are too many tracks

ah ok, it´s easy if those families are grouped by colors…you can create a PLE for each color.