Showing Automation

Is there a way of just showing the automation lanes on one track? I can right click and select show automation but it only shows automated volume. I can also select show all automation and it shows it all but for every track as well.

There is a “show automation (selected track)” option if you just want to show automation lanes for one track. If you just want to show one automation lane for a track (but not volume, for instance pan), you can click on the “volume” field and change it to the desired display parameter.

Thanks JL, playing around just now I did find that but it is rather confusing what the difference is between show automation and show all used automation. Normally show automation just shows volume but after fiddling for a while with show all automation and all used automation show automation has now changed to showing an insert level but not the volume. What exactly are the rules being used here?

The “show used” option will only show automation parameter lanes that have events recorded on them.


Sure yes but why has it switched around when selecting show automation from defaulting to show Volume and now it shows a Send level.

Click on the parameter name “send level” and it should let you change the parameter to dispaly.
It should remember that parameter when you open up the automation. Do you have data recorded on the Send level parameter lane?