Hi, sorry for that many questions… and thank you all for your help all time!
Atm moment I am trying to archive a full page of chord diagrams. I found two different ways to do that.
The first with hiding all staff and bar lines and rests and cleffs… and yeah kinda everything.
Minor Incident approach 1.dorico (1.1 MB)
The second approach, is by adjusting the size of the “Show chord diagrams used at the start of flow”, wich has an issue, that I can’t really change the chords anymore, couse the editing is somewhere else after that. even if I add an other page. with that flow.
Minor Incident approach 2.dorico (578.2 KB)
maybe I am doing something wrong, or missing, I don’t know yet
Both approaches are just usable when I don’t want to add anything else kinda. is there an other to create something like that?