I’ve added an SI Bass Guitar instrument track to my cubase project. Problem: whatever note I add to the editor - it keeps ringing endlessly. Question: Is there any way to stop the tones from endlessly ringing? In the SI Bass Guitar instrument window, the samples sound nice and notes are muted at some point but when pulling any sample into the cubase track, things sound just muddy.
Perhaps you have an unwanted Sustain (cc 64) somewhere.
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Sometimes the easiest way is to delete the instrument track, reload a fresh instance of the instrument (SI Bass Guitar) and start all over again. Happens from time to time. In case you have already created some midi that you want to save: just drag it to a new midi track and copy it afterwards to your new track.
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Maybe this provides the answer:
BTW - das “m” in Tulpe steht für “macht lieber Musik als Schiffe zu versenken”?
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Thanks, everyone! Thanks for your responses. I opened a new project and the issue remains. Might give that downgrade solution a try. Anyway -thanks!
yes, and it also stands for a mundane surname.