Sibelius-style Plug-ins?


Sorry if this is a FAQ but are there any plans to extend Dorico with a Sibelius-style plug-in architecture? Not thinking VSTs here, rather plug-ins that allow for changes in a project’s engraving or setup. For example, one that instantly comes to mind is the “Force to n-pages” plugin, or the “Realize a Figured Bass.” Or does this kind of functionality already exist?


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It’s been in the plans since day one. It’s just not been implemented yet. There are so many features to add yet. It will use LUA as the scripting language.

Usually these kinds of SDKs are baked in right at the start, so I suspect they haven’t released details of the interface. Given how useful it was in Sibelius, I’m somewhat surprised they haven’t done this yet, allowing the user community to take some of the “feature strain” from the development team. I guess there is a reason lurking in their somewhere…