Sideways scrolling

I have a Logitech MS Master 3X mouse with a sideways (i.e. horizontal) scroll wheel. It works fine in Sibelius, but not in Dorico. Is horizontal scrolling not supported? I’m using a Mac.

To scroll horizontally you need to use Shift+mouse wheel. It might be possible in the Logitech software to configure things such that you can make horizontal scrolling work with your tilting wheel?

Hi Daniel

Nice to hear from you, and thanks for the swift response.

Ah, I see - if I hold Shift while using the VERTICAL scroll shell, it scrolls horizontally. Not as intuitive as using the Horizontal wheel itself, but I guess I can live with that. I can’t see an option in the mouse settings to make it behave as Shift+Vertical Scroll.

I’m still mainly a Sibelius user, and one day want to move properly to Dorico - but currently need to keep with Sibelius because that’s what’s installed at the college I teach at. But every now and then I fiddle with Dorico to gradually learn it.

Best wishes


This is odd. I have an MX Ergo with a wheel that can be tilted to allow sideways scrolling, which works very well in Dorico. Could it be that Logitech handles wheel tilting and a dedicated horizontal wheel differently? If yes, might there be a way to adjust the commands sent by the mouse in Options+ or similar?

And here I’ve been using the End and Home keys to move horizontally. I never though about shift+mouse wheel. Nice in galley view.

All the buttons on the MS Master 3X mouse are very configurable to accept keyboard shortcuts - except the horizontal scroll wheel, which has limited options, with no means of making it recognise Shift+Vertical Scroll. A pity!

It’s not a big deal, but would be nice to have - especially for those of us who need to work in both Dorico and Sibelius (where Horizontal Scroll works fine). One for the developers, perhaps?

Hey, I’ve discovered it DOES work after all. I just had to create a specific profile for the nouse for Dorico, rather than using the default profile.

So, problem solved. Next up is changing from Galley View to Page View. In Sibelius, this is a toggle, so I can assign the keystroke to one of the mouse buttons, which makes for really fast working. But in Dorico it’s a separate key combination for each view, so would need two separate mouse buttons. Is there a way to assign a keystroke in Dorico that works as a toggle between the two views?

I’m pretty sure there’s no way to make a toggle out of 2 separate commands.

For reference: