I’m on Windows, so if you’re using Mac OS, the workflow might be different. The below mentioned workflow only applies to Izotope RX. I’m using RX 8, so this might be different in older or newer versions.
1.Select the audio event you want to edit in RX. Press F7 to open the offline processing window. Disable “auto apply” in the offlince processing window. This is important, otherwise the workflow will not work properly.
2. Load the “Izotope RX Connect” plugin in the offline process window.
3. In the connect plugin window that is now open in the offline process window, press “send and edit” (or something like that, I forgot the exact phrasing).
4. The RX editor opens in the backround, you can apply your procesing there.
5. Press “send back to Cubase” on the audio tab in RX. There is a littel arrow on the right side of the tab.
6. In the Cubase offline processing window, press apply. This is important!
7. Your changes will be applied to the audio event you’ve sent back from RX. A new audio file will be created in the backround. The new created audio file will be stored in your project folder in an new folder called “edits”. In the Cubase window, you will have the “offline process” indicator on the right top side of the audio event. This way you can know, which event has some offline processes on it.
One important note: in the offlince process window, you can bypass the offline process from the “Izotope RX Connect” plugin. In this case, your edit ist lost and won’t come back after you press bypass again. This has something to do with the “Izotope RX Connect” plugin and is not a fail from Cubase. It is just how the offline process works.
Best regards, Tomess.