Simply record and when I hit stop go back to where I started

Hi everyone. Well, I’m going to rant here after watching tutorials and using Cubase 10.5 for recording audio:

How about BASIC start here when I record and when I’m done recording go back to where I started? Seriously, it’s the basic things that are at odds with this software! Simply record and when I hit stop go back to where I started! Instead I have to put in track numbers and etc. every time and the same for starting the recording. I don’t have four hands. This and hookup are like owning a nice car but you can’t start driving with it due to strange and unexpected useless eluding. I should be able to get right in and at least drive the car (record and play) without having to put the car in reverse to go back to where I started or to put in the coordinates on a GPS to go back to where I ended! Don’t you think? All of this interferes with playing and recording…basic stuff that eludes use of Cubase.

Well if the rant is about cursor not returning to the start position on stop, then learn Cubase a bit better (check preferences or maybe even try the manual…?!). It´s the basic things that are at odds with the users of this software.

Heh usafirefly,
Thats actually one of the things I couldn’t figure out when I first started either, drove me nuts.
Made a quick video about it that might help you with some of the most used shortcuts

Its part of a complete course on Cubase for those that just want the info fast.

Well - so it basically is a rant not about the product but about oneself.

You will never learn a complex thing FAST by only whatching videos - which are great for focussing on certain areas one at a time. Use learning media in various forms - find your media mix - the one that works best for you.

Well if the rant is about cursor not returning to the start position on stop, then learn Cubase a bit better (check preferences or maybe even try the manual…?!). It´s the basic things that are at odds with the users of this software.

Get this, I read the manual and it’s completely over technical many times and the tutorials are running too fast with features that aren’t what we need to know and if we did we’d be finding out those things for ourselves because we got the basics appropriately and are able to get things done. I had a song and wanted to know if I can put a tempo time change in a song? I read the online manual and did it. It didn’t work and what did happen was audio and midi drums and metronome permanently out of sync from beginning to end.

My rant is when making a tutorial deal with it like someone who is starting their product for the first time and want to start recording and playing and basic I want to go back to beginning or I want to go to the end without eluding 4 hands needed interruptions.

Thank you! I’m going to go and check these videos. This might make all the difference in just getting things done!

FeatherlightStudios! Thanks! Keybindings and using fast memorable shortcuts to work in the project. This is what we all need in every version of Cubase for those of us who just want to get going and keep going and deal with complicated things at a later date in a song process!

You teach it like someone who is looking at this cockpit (Cubase) and trying to get started and going … not more waiting and complexities. Good job. I’m saving your video in ‘favorites’ so I can watch more.

Thanks everyone! A BIG problem is that Cubase 10.5 LE AI is not the same in many respects to Artist and Pro. The videos are usually done with PRO and there are just enough differences in an operation – that it doesn’t replicate! I talked with Steinberg and they said Artist and PRO are close in that regard – that the videos and replicating will cross over.