Single Cubendo Licence?

Long Long Loooooong time Cubase user (1995 I think), but I have looked at crossgrading to Nuendo, I’ve been doing a bit of Atmos work and it would be cool to be able to access the extra features.
What has stopped me is there is no option to upgrade and still use Cubase Pro (without buying an additional Cubase Pro licence). When I upgrade to a new version of Cubase, I don’t switch in a day, I keep current client projects in the previous version and only move new projects to the latest version once I have spent some time with it, are used to the changes and am sure it’s stable. If I was moving from Cubase to Nuendo, having to immediatly move all client projects to Nuendo with no cross over period, not something I want to do.
If there was a slightly more expensive upgrade to a Cubendo licence, that allowed me to use either Cubase or Nuendo I would have upgraded by now.
Thoughts on this?

Your wording is very confusing.
Crossgrade to Nuendo 13 from what?

Which version of Cubase Pro do you have?..Or do you? The only thing you mention is you’ve been a user since 199*

Are you using a 199* version of Cubase with dongle?

Something else? Very unclear.

I owned/own Cubase Pro…kept updating it…have 3 activations…bought Nuendo when on sale a few years ago under a crossgrade promo…3 activations on that.

No licenses lost at all. None had to be surrendered…3 still exist for my Cubase 13…3 for my Nuendo 13.

I think the point was that licenses on the old system get deleted once you get to the new system, and that the user wants to use both their current old version and the new version at the same time. I can totally understand that desire. Sometimes there is no ‘clean break’ where you can completely switch and instead you have overlapping jobs.

Yes. Download a demo version of Cubase and use it on new projects, and/or a demo version of Nuendo. Hopefully you can complete the old projects on the old version before you buy the new version.

I have to say though that unless you’re using something very specific upgrading and moving to a newer version should be fine. Obviously you would have to check that though.