Greetings all,
Is there a way to have playback jump to a target measure on a given pass through a piece? For example, in playback of a hymn, I want to play the first few measures, then the last few, as an introduction. In Finale I can add a back repeat to the measure at which I want to jump, then specify a target measure and tell it to jump only on the first pass. The only references to “jump” I can find in this forum apply to editing a score, not playback.
You could add a D.S. after the first few measures and a Segno before the last few measures and hide them using the properties panel:
I like this solution! Simple and effective. I won’t need to hide the markings because I am the only one who ever sees these scores. Thanks.
Greetings! I believe this must be a simple fix that I am overlooking, but I cannot find how to accomplish this task. How do I skip to a specific measure on a given pass through? I am using Dorico 5, and have a repeated section from measure 40 → 5 playing 3 times, but on the third pass I want the playback to skip from measure 34 to 41. I have this indicated in the text, but cannot have the playback match the written text.
I have attempted to edit the repeat section (Coda) and the repeat jump, but I see no option for creating a “target measure” on the pass. There must be an easy solution I am overlooking. Any help would be appreciated!
Welcome to the forum! I believe you need a repeat structure like this:
To get the first ending to be used twice, select the ending brackets and set the property No. times played to 3.
Yes, that it what I needed to do. I knew it would be something simple. Thank you very much!
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