'Slowburn' by MJBerg

A piece I wrote late last year, I made a music/photo/video ‘production’ of it using very old family photos. There are some my father brought back from his time in Finnish army’s WWII elite Armoured Division, it’s involvement on the Karelian Isthmus and other places in Russia.
I hope you find this piece interesting… please persevere 'til the end :wink:

Very cool stuff, @Mauri. I really enjoyed this tune (and the historic photos) :sunglasses: . Nicely done. I love it! Thanks for sharing.

Wow, Mauri, the photo-journal was an amazing accompaniment to the music. I appreciate you sharing this.

I enjoyed the music very much, it reminded me of two prog bands from the 70s - Camel and Triumvirat. It all added feeling to your photo gallery.