I write a lot of choral music that requires slurring to indicate breaths and melisma’s. 90% of the time, when I enter a slur, the direction Dorico defaults to is perfect and maximizes the space on the page. Though sometimes, when dealing with 4-6 choral parts, all on their own staff, all with their own dynamics, lyrics, and slurring, it can put slurs facing downwards which can push the lyrics of that part so low that is becomes hard to read as a singer. To fix this, I have to open the properties tab at the bottom of the screen and under “Slurs”, toggle on “Direction” and then select the direction I want for my selected slurs.
I would LOVE to see a customizable hotkey added to Dorico called “Slur Direction Toggle” which would toggle on the “Direction” switch under “Slur” properties. With that, it would be great if after toggling on the direction with a hotkey, if I could click “Ctrl + Right or Left Arrow Key” or something, to cycle between the different available directions of slurs. This could all just be added as a blank hotkey so that users could assign it themselves. I assume it would be difficult for the devs to find hotkeys for this that don’t impede on any other hotkeys, so if you just leave it blank and keep it in as something that users have an option for, that would be so cool!
With that, you could also just add customizable hotkeys for all of the properties tab toggles so that people can make their own hotkeys for the things they toggle the most.