Small Improvement: Confirmation of Change Paragraph Style Dialogue

The ability to change the paragraph style of multiple text items via right-click/shortcut is an absolutely amazing addition. It would be ideal if I were able to commit the dialogue with cmd-enter (that’s ctrl-enter on windows, similar to committing custom text). This way I could hit enter, type the name of the style (or the first letters thereof), enter, cmd-enter to press ok.


+1 for this! there are a number of other dialogues that don’t let you confirm with the keyboard either – such as copy staff spacing, manual staff visibility. It would be great if cmd-Enter were rolled out uniformly!

On the paragraph styles box — when i open it, i still have to click the text box with the mouse in order to use the keyboard to type in the first letters of the new style I want. @klafkid how do you avoid this? Dev Team – would it be possible to fix this dialogue so the text box is already active with the keyboard when it is opened?

As I have written, it’s enough for me to hit enter.

oh yes… ! (sorry, ignore the last bit of my previous post, Dev Team… :slight_smile:

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At the very least, it should be possible to press TAB to move the highlight from the menu to the OK button.

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On my Mac, I find that if I have Keyboard navigation activated on the Keyboard pane in System Settings, I can Tab through each control in the Change Paragraph Style dialog. (This won’t work in every dialog, e.g. it won’t work in the Manual Staff Visibility dialog; some dialogs are implemented using a different UI framework that does not – at the moment anyway – provide native support for this standard keyboard navigation.)

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