So when is 10.0.20 going to be released? Sometime soon or??? Just wondering.

+1 Million

I think a slightly bigger beta tester pool, and more frequent updates (or a public beta) would really speed things along nicely and ultimately create a more stable app with a notable decrease in complaints not just on this forum, but all around the Internet.

Totally. I didn’t mean (and hope I didn’t say so) that all of PG should be outsourced from the forum :laughing: It’s a rare privilege having the person who makes the software in here, being able to communicate directly with him. I merely meant to suggest, that the job of juggling requests, bug reports, thoughts, questions, answers, etc. could in part be relayed to someone else who he trust might faithfully carry and deliver his message when he’s out the door himself. Just enough for him to feel free (rather than obliged, being the single person in the entire operation) to join in as much as his time and schedule allows. Hope that’s making more sense than my original words.

I am more concerned with knowledge transfer and who is going to start to back up Phillippe in the forum as the years move on.

It’s one thing to have the master in here but where’s the apprentice? In addition to some new coding resources to move these updates along in a more efficient fashion - it would be nice to see some new blood in the “hands on” support part of the equation.

Time waits for no one and it won’t wait for me (or PG!)