Solo options (Latch, X-OR, Momentary)

Hopefully, users here don’t feel like I’m spamming the forum, but here’s another one.

Unless I’m missing something, there is no way to set up a key command for anything other than a ‘latch based’ solo. Meaning, if I hit the key command to solo a track, and then decide to solo another track, that now BOTH tracks are solo’d. This is great when wanting a ‘latch’ based system.

I’ve found that by ‘command-clicking’ the solo button on a track that I can get an ‘X-OR’ solo. Meaning if I solo a track, and then hold ‘command’ while clicking the solo button on another track, that will un-solo the first track, and now only the second track is solo’d. This is great…, except we need a key command for this function. Or better yet, a preference switch so that we don’t need to memorize more than one solo command.

It would also be great to get a ‘momentary’ solo option, so the track only stays solo’d as long as I’ve got the key command held down.

My suggestion is to create a solo preference with three options. Latch, X-OR, Momentary.


+1 for the “solo exclusive” KC/preference, I hate having to grab mouse and keyboard to do so !


there are some settings for solo in preferences under project and mix,solo behaves differently when selecting track(s )

+1 !


Are there still no solutions for X-OR Solo Mode?


I was able to create an Xor functionality using a macro and the project logical editor. I run into some issues sometimes if I have solo defeats but usually it works the way I want it to. I’ll post it when I get back on my computer if I remember. Would be nice if it was a standard option though.

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Here is my X-Or solo solution. It’s a half measure because it doesn’t work when clicking the solo buttons or using control surfaces but it’s better than nothing to me. I’ve also had issues when setting solo defeats but as long as I click another solo on and off after setting the solo defeat it works as expected. Also for some reason it doesn’t work if you have the logical editor open but it works when it’s closed.

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For a solo-exclusive key command, I have a super simple macro that works perfectly. Not at computer so I don’t know the exact names, but it’s this:

  1. Unsolo all tracks
  2. Solo selected tracks.
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@nogills this does not work for me. at least. I can’t use it as a toggle. only as a switch. so when I press the keycombo for my XOR Solo it stays in it. I then have to press Solo combo to switch it off.

also having a hard time getting the PLE to work for me… I must be overlooking something?

And I have a macro that also solo’s the channel.

I’ve noticed some weirdness with my PLE/Macro when there’s more complex bussing. It seems like it might not always work when soloing a track also solos a downstream buss. I have solo defeat turned on for all of my buses in my template though and that seems to solve the issue for me.

While macros and keyboard shortcuts are an improvement, it would still be nice to have that built-in, so it also works from control surfaces.