Soloing Issue With VST Instrument Outputs Routed To Audio Tracks

Hello, I’d like to report an issue. I’m using Cubase Pro 14.0.10 on Windows 11 Pro.

I want to route VST instrument/rack outputs to audio tracks directly in order to improve my workflow, but Cubase won’t solo audio tracks using VST instrument/rack outputs as inputs when soloing the parent MIDI track or VST instrument/rack output and vice-versa (see attached video).

Thank you for your assistance.

Indeed, but a workaround could be to use the Solo Defeat option (Alt + [click] on the involved audio track Solo button).

Thank you for your help.

Solo defeating the audio track (and its groups) and using the listen bus is a good workaround if the user just wants to audition to the track/group exclusively, but that is not equivalent to soloing the track/group (which actually mutes all other tracks in all outputs).

I hope Steinberg can find a solution to this problem.

It does exactly as you are looking for, here, unless I haven’t got it :

  1. Solo Defeat the Audio Track
  2. Solo the MIDI/Instrument source track
  3. Done…

I’m inclined to agree with @Tublitha though.
Passing audio from one track to another creates an audio ‘chain’ in the same way as assigning tracks to a group.
The mute / solo status should be recognised all the way through the chain.

I understand and don’t say that there isn’t an issue, here.

I’m just exposing how I would get the same expected result differently (if I really got the issue in all its dimensions). And, as @Tublitha was looking for assistance, it’s the only one I can provide, at this point…

Understood, and your method should work.
And, unless I’m misunderstanding something, clicking solo on the instrument and then solo on the audio track should give the desired result, just with an extra click (and vice versa for mute).

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If you solo defeat a track, you can no longer solo it and you need to solo defeat its groups as well. You can still use the listen bus to isolate the track/group but that is not equivalent to soloing it because other tracks will still sound in other outputs and effect sends are not included.

You also need to un-defeat the audio track after recording in order for it to get muted when soloing other tracks which just isn’t practical in a large template.

Actually, it’s not exactly this. My process would be :

  1. Solo Defeat the audio track, supposed to be the destination.
  2. Two cases, after this :
  • If you use a MIDI track associated with an instrument rack, just solo the MIDI track : the VST instrument one (actually, an instrument output buss) will be soloed with it.
  • If you use an instrument track, simply solo it.

I’m rather lost, at this point : there wasn’t question of added busses, at the beginning, only an instrument output(s) and an audio track supposed to receive its audio signal. So, could you post here a screenshot showing an use case, as I did few posts before ?

The video I posted was just to illustrate the problem, not a real world example. The audio track will have inserts and effect sends, be routed to a group and disarmed after recording. By solo defeating tracks/groups, you lose the ability to solo them and they won’t get muted when soloing other tracks/groups. Having to un-defeat them after recording or whenever they need to be soloed isn’t a set and forget solution and therefore not a good workaround in a large complex template.

In case anyone is wondering why you would want to record a VST instrument to an audio track in real time instead of rendering it to new tracks. Within a large template, it can actually be faster and more reliable because you don’t have to configure each track each time. For example, time aligning room mics isn’t possible with VST instrument outputs because it requires negative track delays. Having to setup many tracks many times is more time-consuming and unreliable than setting them up once and recording them in real-time during a break. In order for effect sends to affect both the real-time and recorded versions, and insert effects to remain adjustable after recording, they need to be inserted on the audio tracks, not the VST instrument outputs, which forces the user to route the VST instrument through the audio tracks at all times. The ability to route VST instrument outputs to audio track directly without a group was added in previous versions, but the audio track remains excluded from the solo chain for some reason. Being forced to solo defeat audio tracks and their groups causes problems which I outlined in previous posts.

Yep, in a complex project with several groups involved, I see the limitation of the Solo Defeat workaround. But again, I was still in the context of your original post : one VST instrument track —> one audio track.

Agreed, and I still often do the same thing, sometimes. For a long period, it’s been a habit coming from ‘early’ Cubase versions in which there wasn’t any Render in Place equivalent feature.

Overall, we agree, I think. But again, I wasn’t thinking the Solo Defeat workaround in a large template context, as you didn’t mentioned such, at first.