Recently, if I create a new project in Cubasis le 3, when I try to open it, I get this error message “Error, could not be loaded because it is not compatible with LE version.” The workaround is to duplicate a past project, rename it and remove all tracks. Not sure what’s going on.
Thanks for your message and welcome to the Cubasis forum!
Normally, the error message appears if you try to open a Cubasis project with a Cubasis version not having the same features than the version it comes from.
Please let me have more details about the two Cubasis version (the version the project comes from, and the version you use to open it). In regards to LE 3: is the version unlocked from demo mode, and has the Full Feature Set IAP been purchased?
Thanks Lars. I do not have any other Cubasis version on my iPhone. It’s just the free /limited feature version. I have a full version 2 on my iPad but that shouldn’t affect anything. I’ve had my iPhone for 2 years and the LE 3 version is the only version I’ve ever had on it. I updated the LE free app yesterday after I had the issue but it did not resolve it. When I get the error message it includes the project name with the following extension, .cbp. Not sure if that’s helpful.
Forgot to mention, that when I try to open the project, that after it gives me the error, it opens the Smear demo project. Funny thing is I keep deleting the Smear project, but somehow Cubasis recreates it in my Media folder.
I do not have any other Cubasis version on my iPhone. It’s just the free /limited feature version. I have a full version 2 on my iPad but that shouldn’t affect anything.
You can open Cubasis 2 projects with Cubasis 3, or Cubasis LE 3 which has the Full Feature Set IAP installed. It is not possible to open Cubasis 2 projects with an unlocked Cubasis LE version that runs in demo mode.
I understand that. Im not trying to open version 2 projects with version LE. It’s when I create a new project in LE on my iPhone. I can create a new project, add some audio or midi, close the project or shut down Cubasis, and when I try to open that project again on my iPhone using the LE version (only version on my iPhone) is when I get the error. There’s something happening behind the scenes that’s preventing me from opening the project back up again with the same Cubasis version I originally created the project with. There’s no transferring or opening of projects between devices or app versions.
Please let me know the exact steps, which versions you use and what you do. Plus, Does Cubasis LE runs in demo mode, or did you unlock the app version via a bundled hardware?
Here are my steps.
1 Open Cubasis 3 LE (only version on my phone, v3.6.6)
2 Tap New icon
3 Enter project name, hit done
4 New project opens with midi and audio tracks.
5 Record midi, audio or import audio from media bay
6 Close project or Cubasis LE
7 Open Cubasis and open the project I just created. This is when I get the error.
I don’t recall having to unlock it. I have a few projects that open fine. This issue just started to occur.
I do have a compatible device, a Steinberg UR12 that I’ve connected twice since this started happening and I still get the error when it’s connected. Also, every time I try to open one of the “incompatible” projects, it creates a new instance of the Smear demo project, WTH!
I can record my screen if that would be helpful but it looks like there isn’t a way to attach it.
I do have a full version of Cubasis 2 (that I love!), but it only runs on my iPad mini 2, not my iPhone 13.
Cubasis LE 3 runs in demo mode, unless being unlocked via a compatible device (which seems to be the case at your end after connecting the Steinberg UR12 audio device to the iPhone).
However, Cubasis LE 3 includes a smaller feature set compared to Cubasis 3 (and Cubasis 2) leading to the incompatibility message, when trying to open Cubasis 2 projects.
To get around this, it would be required to update Cubasis LE 3 with the “Full Feature Set in-app purchase” which updates Cubasis LE 3 with all features of Cubasis 3.
Hi Lars. I understand all of that but I’m not running in demo mode. I unlocked it a while back and have been using Le 3’s smaller feature set for some time now and can open projects I created over a year ago with no problems. This issue has recently started where I can create a new LE 3 project, use the limited feature, etc. But, it’s when I close the project or close LE 3, and try to open that same project up I just created using LE 3 on the same device and same version is when I get the error. I even created a test project using one of the supplied templates, closed it, tried to open it again and got that error. It’s definitely some bug in the firmware. I’ll try to do a screen recording and find a way to post it/attach or dm you so you can see this oddity.
No solution yet. Right now I feel like we’re talking in circles. I may not be understanding Lars, he may not be understanding me which may be due from me not explaining my issue correctly. If I can get a screen recording put together and posted somewhere, the issue/error might be more clear. I don’t feel I need an upgrade to resolve the issue. I will upgrade eventually but it’s not in my budget at this time. I love this mobile DAW and Cubase, just want to get this resolved first. What if I upgrade and the issue still persist?
Yeah that’s my thoughts exactly, was about to get Cubasis 3 and pay the $80, but not if i cant re-open a session aka use the program.
I think you’ve been perfectly clear, what you’ve said is the exact issue I’m having. I’m not sure why Lars is having such a hard time understanding.
You even gave a step by step breakdown. If you look through this page the resolution for everything is “have you updated your drivers?” then “delete and reinstall your drivers”.
It’s for sure not solved. Odd it would be marked solved. I don’t ever remember saying “ hey that worked and solved my problem, thanks!”
I’m curious why or where you’re being charged $80. The full version I’ve seen is $49.99, 29.99 if you update Le. Updating LE is cheaper for some reason. It was recently on sale for 17.99.
2 open a project (Mustang II) I worked on about a year ago using Cubasis le 3, all works fine.
3 Open “Tool” project which I created the other day which prompted my post. This gives me the error, then creates the Smear project demo. I was able to create the Tool project by choosing New in the Hub. After closing the project or shutting down Cubasis, I couldn’t open it back up and got the error. No worries I didn’t lose much.
4 open mustang project again.
5 Go to the Hub, creating a new project, adding and recording some nonsense midi piano notes, then adding an audio file from media folder. Close it.
6 open Mustang II project again.
7 Try to open the newly created Test project A immediately and get the error and the Smear demo is created again.
Hope this helps and thank you so much for the help so far.
I think you’ve been perfectly clear, what you’ve said is the exact issue I’m having. I’m not sure why Lars is having such a hard time understanding.
I’ve misreading the topic, and was under the impression that @bluesdelux1 is trying to open Cubasis 2 projects with Cubasis LE (resulting in the error message).
Yeah that’s my thoughts exactly, was about to get Cubasis 3 and pay the $80, but not if i cant re-open a session aka use the program.
Where does the $80 price came from? Cubasis 3 does not show the Cubasis LE 3 issue (which will be resolved in a soon to be released hotfix update).