(SOLVED) Cubase ic pro crashing upon connection

yeah i agree. thats not solved just a workarounded
im experiencing the exact same thing as you

I think it works…i will try it, but it’s not the correct way to solve an issue.
If it doesn’t work I’m goint to write you. Thx again

Hi @Jordi_Clemente

While our engineering is evaluating the issue, we currently have no idea what causes the problem. It should be gone once you’ve fully shut down the device, as instructed/described by Apple.


You must know that I.m only having this problema with the new iOS Ipad…with my ple ipad3 and his last versión works fine.

No other method works in my case. IMO, This has something to do with the changes to the backend of IOs 17.3, if memory serves me 17.3.1 has some minor changes and none were in the network department.
If you watch the process when launching ICPRO you will clearly see the app does connect to Cubase all be it for a fraction of a second. Kinda like ICPRO is loosing packets during launch and crashes as a result. Just an observation i guess!

Hope this helps.

I have the same issue here. Somewhat solved it by rebooting the wifi and rebooting the iphone 13 latest IOS.

I don’ get how this is set to “solved”. In my case all the proposed measures (restarting the device etc.) do not work. I’m using an Ipad Pro 12.9 M1 and an Iphone Pro running the latest IOS versions. IC Pro keeps crashing on both after several rounds of restarting the devices, disconnecting Wifi turned out to be unsuccesful. When browsing through the forums it seems to be clear that there are other users as well who have a persisting problem with IC Pro.

I have been a loyal Steinberg customer ( Cubase 13 Pro, Dorico 5 Pro, Wavelab Elements, …) for years now.
I accept it as normal that bugs occur after Software updates. However: regarding IC Pro I get the impression that the team is trying to solve a problem by ignoring it / denying its existance.

You are right this topic is not solved, I’ve marked it as solved because I thought restart would solve the issue but it doesn’t, it comes back the second you open another app
If there is a way to revert it then admins please do, this issue is not solved

Hi @jazztom

You’ve replied to a topic where several users confirmed the WA to work in their cases. While we are unable to reproduce the problem, our engineering will continue to evaluate the problem.


thanks for confirming.
cheers Tom

To replicate this issue try to test it with the latest iOS available 17.3.1 as of day of writing this
And also try to open other apps and then open Cubase ic pro
Then try to connect to a Cubase running on your network
Then I’m pretty sure you’ll get this crash
Exactly like my video
It’s consistent, I’ve got this crash on my iPad and also on my iPhone (same iOS version)

I can confirm that the problem has not been solved on my side (knowing that the app worked fine before, but I don’t know which update caused it to crash when I connected).
SKI installed, ipad restarted, wifi off then on again …
The iPad is in 17.3.1
Cubase pro 12.0.70

**Edit : Since I deleted and then recreated the SKI connector in cubase, I now have a perpetual connection symptom. As before, the cubase host is detected correctly, and when it tries to connect, instead of closing the application, it switches to a black screen with an animated cubase symbol like a wifi and “cancel” just below it. And it grinds along without going any further. I’ve tried almost everything…

Hi all,

We are sorry to read that some of you experience ongoing crash issues with Cubase iC Pro.

Our engineering is currently evaluating the problem and we hope to have a solution available very soon.

Sorry for your inconvenience!

Best wishes,

Thanks for looking into it.

I have an older iPad running iOS 15.8 where this issues doesn’t occur, but the issue persists on my iPhone running on the latest iOS version(17.4 as of today). The issue is exactly per the screen grab shared via initial post in this thread.

Restarting the iPhone is only a temporary fix and most times short lived.

I join the convo by saying that this is the only way to have IC pro working, although it’s just a workaround (you can’t ask users to just turn wifi off and on anytime they want to run an app…). And most of all, if you switch to another app and get back to IC Pro, you have to redo the wifi off/on once again, or it will stop working…totally annoying.

I have an iPad Air 5th, iOS 17.4, Windows 11, Cubase 12.0.70 and latest IC pro (I downloaded it yesterday, march10/24).

Before this workaround I tried lots of stuff: allowed all the ports on my firewall; turned off the firewall (it’s always off btw); switch to a static IP on both devices, reverted to DHCP on both devices, uninstalled/reinstalled IC pro on the iPad and Ski remote on the PC…no combination of these actions ever helped.

“Fully” shut down the iPad doesn’t help, besides a few users here, and apart from this specific topic, there are many others online (here and on reddit, for example), even dated 2016, so I hope the solution @LSlowak mentioned will be actually delivered soon, because you guys still ask 16 bucks for it.

I support you on this 100%. The last time this problem presented itself we had to wait a good few months for a fix. I dont recall three being a work around previously but thankfully we have one now. Which isn’t acceptable but still an option to keep us going.

I think the problem here is prioritisation, Steinbergs product line is so vast apps like ICpro gets positioned at the bottom of the pyramid in terms of maintenance. In some respects, i totally understand this but for the money charged for the app i think Steinberg need to rethink their strategy with ICpro. IMO the best thing to do here is either reprioritize the maintenance (obviously) or offer ICpro as a free addon to Cubase which would hand Steinberg a get out of jail card because its FREE!.

All the Best!

Yeah of course, I agree with you on that. Also, it of course is a matter of priorities, but if you consider the many issues on C13, I guess it’s not only about those priorities, but it seems like they are having issues dealing with it all.

Let’s wait, hope, and see!

Hi all,

Please note that Cubase iC Pro 1.2.7 for iOS has been released, which addressed the problem that establishing a connection rendered the app unreliable for some users.

Download Cubase iC Pro on the App Store

Warm greetings,

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It’s finally working again! Thanks guys for the update!

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Hi @Galaad

It’s finally working again! Thanks guys for the update!

Glad to read this, thanks for your feedback!

Enjoy being creative,