(SOLVED) Cubasis 3.7 - bar numbering bug

Hi Support,

The v3.7 counts the bars incorrectly if the project has the time signature set to 5/8 or 7/8 or 9/16, and possibly also other odd time signatures. I tested just these three. When I hold the playhead and slide my finger forward from one beat to another, it shows the wrong beat name - e.g., where it should say 10.1.1, it says 10.1.3, then the next one shows 10.1.1, then 10.2.3, then 10.2.1, and so on, which is obviously incorrect because bar numbering should be sequential. It doesn’t happen in every bar, but it’s kind of random. In 7/8 it’s every second bar, for example.

Hi @seventh

Thanks for your message.

Please provide us with a short clip which shows the exact steps leading to the problem, to allow our engineering to evaluate the problem.


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Hi @seventh

Thanks for the additional clip, which will be shared with our engineering.


Hi @seventh

The issue is planned to be resolved in the next update.


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That’s great to hear! Thanks for letting us know.

Hi all,

Cubasis 3.7.1 has been released, please find out more at:

Warm greetings,

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Thanks Lars! Updated, tested and it’s showing correctly now :slight_smile:

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Hi @seventh

Thanks Lars! Updated, tested and it’s showing correctly now :slight_smile:

Thanks for your confirmation, glad to read this!

Warm greetings,