[Solved}: Flute 2 / alt. Piccolo

I’m sure I’m just being dense, but I’ve been studying Dorico Help for an hour, and I can’t find the answer to my question:

How do I create a player that holds both flute and piccolo on a single orchestral staff, and have the necessary transposition when the player takes the piccolo?

In Setup mode you’ll see the Left Zone that contains your list of Players.

Right-click on the Player (not the Instrument that it is holding) and select Add Instrument to Player… done!

Dorico will automatically sort out the instrument changes and clefs/transposition in the Layout(s) when your music has been entered.

Thanks. How do I properly tell the notation when the instrument changes? I used Default Text to say “Take Piccolo.” Doesn’t fix the transposition. What should I have done instead? (Sorry to be so stupid. I’ve never had a multi-instrument player before.)

Don’t be sorry. Assuming your settings are set appropriately, Dorico will do this automatically for you:

Does this help?

Yes, it helps, but how do I actually put the instrument change ‘text label’ in?

Also, how do I tell the player which instrument to start with?

You don’t need to.

Enter some music in the Fl. 2 stave and enter some more music further on but in the Picc. stave.

Go to the Flute 2 Layout (create one if you haven’t already) and you should see it done automatically.

If not, attach a screenshot, or better still, the project. And we can guide you further.

It’s old but still applies:

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Thanks. That clarifies it a great deal. However, I’m now worried that my full score is going to have there staves for one player! Let me mess around some and see if I can get it do what I want. If not, I’ll post the file if it isn’t too big to do so. (Several MB.)

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It will also condense the music for the two staves into the one.

Applying the Silence Playback Template and cutting out any unnecessary music will help lower the size.

Well, I successfully created the combined staff, using the video you posted. However, there’s no separate part for the player!!! The part list jumps from Flute 1 to Oboe. No sign of any Flute 2 / Piccolo! (By the way, thanks for your patience and amazing help.)

You’re welcome!

See if you can attach a project and then we can send back for you to see the changes.

I should clarify. The staff is listed in Setup, but not in Write or Engrave. I’ll try to attach in a moment.

This sounds like you haven’t set up (or accidentally removed) a Layout for Flute 2.
In Setup Mode on the right panel create a new Part Layout (there is a little music stand icon at the bottom), right click the new layout in the Layout list in that right panel and select/add the players you want to see in this layout (Flute 2 and Piccolo).

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YAY! That fixed it. You’re the best.