(SOLVED) Latest update. CUBASIS. Mixdown not working properly

Hi, I recently updated to the very latest CUBASIS version and since doing this the MIXDOWN no longer works properly.
It runs as normal but when completed the file size is very small and has nothing to play back? I’ve tried an older projects that I’ve had no problems with but these doesn’t MIXDOWN either. Can anyone advise me please.



Hi @Jon_Scott

Thanks for your report which has already shared by a few users. The problem is planned to be resolved very soon.

Please let us know if the “Mixdown” feature works as expected, once you disable “Normalize” in the “Mixdown” pop-up.



Thanks for reply, the Mixdown works when normalise is switch OFF

Hopefully this bug will get fixed quickly


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Hi all,

Today we’ve released Cubasis 3.6.6 for iOS and Android, which fixes a problem where creating a normalized mixdown resulted in an empty file and a few more issues.

Warm greetings,