[SOLVED] Making lead sheet(one staff) and want to insert piano staves middle of the lead sheet

Hello all!

I’m making a lead sheet, using lead sheet template and need to insert few bars middle of the lead sheet for specific instruments (mostly piano.)

so far I wrote down chords on one staff(for lead sheet) and just add players(piano) to see what happens.

it shows everything from the very beginning,

as you can see there is empty piano staves too. but I want to only show

only piano staves (let’s say) from bar 9.

so from measure 1 - 8, I want to only show one stave(voice), and from measure 9-16 I want to only use piano staves.

I stopped here because I don’t want to mess up.

please anybody can help?

You are on the right track. You won’t mess it up. Leave the piano staves in for now. Write your piano music in the appropriate bars and when you are done, go to Layout Options | Vertical Spacing | Staff Visibility and choose Hide Empty Staves. That should get rid of all the empty piano bars. Good luck!

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Thank you so much David!

Solve the problem. it was really easy :slight_smile:

also found this video on YouTube, it might helpful for who needs more in formation about visibility options.

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