(SOLVED) MIDI clock not sending

Hi. I’ve updated my CUBSIS to latest version and have also purchased the Iconica Sketch ORCH app and installed the CUBASIS free extra and just using CUBASIS for first time since this and it’s not sending MIDI clock to my Yamaha Montage. I’ve checked and rechecked settings but all as should be Any idea on what’s wrong. Is this a bug???

Using on iPad that’s latest version



I’ve just tried garage band and this sends midi clock data fine so my leads and settings in Yamaha montage are fine. Still having problems in CUBASIS Is this todo with the new tempo/time sig global track?

Hi @Jon_Scott

This is taken from the Cubasis help:

If MIDI clock is activated, the following signals are sent to all the connected MIDI devices and background apps:

  • MIDI clock is sent continuously during playback.
  • MIDI start, continue and stop messages are sent when playback is toggled.
  • The MIDI song position pointer is sent when the playhead is positioned.


  • MIDI clock can only be used to synchronize MIDI data, not digital audio.
  • Cubasis does not support receiving MIDI clock parameters from other devices.

Could the problem be related to the given fact that Cubasis does not support receiving MIDI clock parameters from other devices, and could this be changed in the Yamaha device in use?



Thanks for reply

As mention my setup has been working fine with midi clock from CUBASIS being received on my Yamaha Montage. (Using CUBASIS as master)

Did the latest CUBASIS update and now midi clock not be sent out?

Have check settings just in case but all seem correct. I tested my Montage and leads etc ok by using GARAGAE Band this sends midi clock to Montage absolutely fine

Very frustrating as I can no longer sync anything using CUBASIS as master midi clock???

Any help advice would be appreciated



Hi Jon_Scott,
May I suggest you download the free Midi Wrench off the App Store, (Google Play has an equivalent), launch it and leave it running in the background whilst using Cubasis, it is known and described as the Swiss Army Knife for MIDI. It creates an internal MIDI link between hardware and software devices, you can also use the app on screen as a monitor, it will help you see communication between Cubasis and your external keyboard. I must’ve given this advice dozens of times to different users and it has helped virtually all of them.
I hope this helps your situation.

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Hi Mike.

Many thanks for this suggestion I’ll give it a go hopefully will give me some answers to what’s going on


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Can someone please help. I’m still not getting any midi clock coming from CUBASIS

I’ve checked so many times my settings and all seems ok

My Yamaha montage is receiving fine from GarageBand So leads and Montage are fine

This problem has only started after latest Cubasis update that now has temp/time sig global option. Can this be the problem???

I’m now unable to use Cubasis in my setup



Hi Jon,
I am also baffled by your predicament🤔
This is just another suggestion:
Are you trying to send MIDI from Cubasis to your Yamaha, have you set your keyboard up in ROUTING/MIDI OUTPUT?
Sorry if this sounds obvious but I am just throwing ideas your way.


I’ve checked that CUBASIS is set to send midi clock

Also that my Yamaha Montage is set to USB for midi and audio.

The settings on Montage have always worked fine and I’ve not changed anything on this. But have rechecked!

As I’ve mentioned GarageBand works fine sends midi clock no problems - montage receives straight away as expected

So I can only put in down to the update ???

I can’t see any other users with this problem so I’m at a bit of a loss



Hi @Jon_Scott

The settings on Montage have always worked fine and I’ve not changed anything on this. But have rechecked!

Did it work using Cubasis and the Montage before the Cubasis 3.7 update?



Yes, I’ve been using CUBASIS for well over a year with my MONTAGE and have always had great success and generally never had issues.

I’ve been using Yamaha Montage as audio interface to iPad/CUBASIS and sending midi clock from CUBASIS (master)

All fine up until I did a CUBASIS update and also installed the Iconica Sketch ORCH

I know Montage is fine as receiving midi clock from GarageBand using same leads etc



Hi @Jon_Scott

Thanks again for your reply.

The issue will be evaluated by our engineering, after the winter holiday break.

Please wait for our feedback.



Any help would be most appreciated

I’ve also used AUDIOBUS to send just a midi clock out to my Yamaha Montage and this works perfectly

As soon as I’m using CUBASIS the midi clock out is not being sent???



I am also having a MIDI Clock issue. It isn’t sending the correct Start message to have my receiving device (my PC) start playing, when I’m recording into Cubasis (via MOTU UltraLite AVB). Cubasis 2 still works flawlessly.

EDIT: Just to give a bit more info, my receiving options:

Master Clock: Internal, MIDI Clock, Video Clock, MIDI Time Code, SMPTE
MIDI Start/Stop: Transmit, Receive, Ignore

With Cubasis 2 I just set it to MIDI Clock/Receive, and Cubasis controlled everything. When I used Cubasis 3 for the first time this past week, these settings resulted in playback not starting on the PC. When I switched to Internal Clock/Receive, playback started and stopped, controlled by Cubasis. But it wasn’t in sync. I realized this when the recorded song was over 10 bars shorter than the song on the PC. I recorded another track and it was horribly out of sync. So it was sending Start/Stop, but to my PC’s internal clock.

Hope this helps. iPad Pro, latest iOS.

I’m wondering if there might be issues with the latest 3.7 CUBASIS update?

I’ve never had a problem before when sending clock out fromCUBASIS to my Yamaha Montage (set to USB sync external). My settings haven’t changed but no Midi Clock from CUBASIS ?

GarageBand sends fine, also AUDIOBUS midi clock out is fine and my MONTAGE receives as expected!

Hopefully get some feed back and problems resolved soon



I’m sure they’ll get it sorted out after the holidays. I just used Cubasis 2 to record two songs, then just Shared them to Cubasis 3 and they imported just fine. Then I used AirDrop to send them to my on-stage iPad. Worked for the first Project, but the second Project kept stopping halfway through the transfer for some reason. Ended up just copying it over using Files and a USB flash drive, which I have never had any issues with, and I’ve copied hundreds of songs from my home iPad Pro to my stage iPad 9th Generation. In fact, I just got that stage iPad 6 months ago - before that I was using the Android Cubasis 3 on stage, and Projects transferred with zero issues from iOS Cubasis 2 to Android Cubasis 3, via Files/USB drive. Which is really great!

Maybe Lars can chime in, but I see no reason to uninstall Cubasis 2 just because I’ve upgraded to Cubasis 3. I don’t believe there are any issue-related reasons why I should, but I don’t know for sure. I’ve got 512GB, so I’m not hurting for app space.

I have the same problem here. The start/stop messages is send correctly from cubasis to my Roland MC-101, but not the midi clock.

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Apologies for creating a new topic - I should probably have added to this as I have a very similar problem.:

My Cubasis is now v3.7 on iOS 17.6.1. I’m using a Steinberg UR22C interface.
This has now stopped sending midi clock (yes, I’ve turned it on); it sends [START] and [CONTINUE] and [Note On], [Note Off] to the midi ports, but no midi clock. Thus, it is impossible to sync the system.

Exactly the same setup of options and tracks (at least as close as possible) works absolutely fine in Cubasis 2.8.6, and used to work in Cubasis 3.x (though with some high midi latency issues). I say this as I have 30 y experience connecting midi and audio gear so please assume I know something. By all means give me a checklist of what should be on or off, but, the fact that it works well with Cubasis 2 says there’s no issue with the actual connections.

Hi all,

Happy New Year everyone!

The MIDI clock issue will be checked by our engineering early next week.
We are sorry for the inconvenience.

Please await our reply.


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Hi Lars,

Happy New Year ………

Be great to get this problem resolved

I’ve managed to get a work around using Audiobus with CUBASIS but its not exactly ideal

The MIDI Clock is being sent via Audiobus but thi has a slight delay in sending so not really a solution

