When I try to load the iconica sketch auv3 it prompts me to download the integration.
Selecting cancel doesn’t continue loading the auv3 though.
I don’t need the integration (which unnecessarily seems to want to download the content again), I’m fine with the already downloaded plugin.
Expected behavior: it should prompt me to download once (or maybe twice, but not every time) and if dismissed not prevent loading the auv3.
Hi @Flavelius
Please let us have a short video which shows the problem.
We are unaware about content download issues with Iconica Sketch.
I have downloaded the auv3 and opened it once as standalone. This prompted me to download its content which I did (1.8gb). No issues with that.
After opening cubasis, I now have another instrument-native entry for iconica sketch.
When I tap that it opens the shop where it offers me to download 1.8gb again.
So I ignore it (the cubasis iconica extension) and instead attempt to use the already downloaded auv3 plugin.
But cubasis won’t let me. It just shows a dialog to inform me that there’s a native extension instead.
The issue is that I cannot cancel the dialog to actually use the auv3 version of the plugin, cubasis won’t load it when doing so. Pressing ok just takes me to the shop again which I don’t want.
Cancelling this dialog should continue loading the auv3 version, and the dialog should not appear again as well (I’m open to seeing it one or two more times, but not everytime the auv3 is selected)
If it’s still not clear I can upload a video later.
Hi @Flavelius
Thanks for the details, fully understood and shared with the team.
I’d expect the issue to be resolved with the next update.
Hi @Flavelius
Cubasis 3.7.1 has been released this morning, please find out more at:
Warm greetings,