Sonar users Templates

As a former Sonar user, I have noticed many questions about Templates. While in Sonar I got into the habit of saving a really good project a second time after first erasing the track content. I would keep everything except the actual notes. I would rename it accordingly, and add the word TEMPLATE at the end.
This way works for me in Cubase just as well as it worked in Sonar. I am new to Cubase and learning slowly, but I find that much of what I used in Sonar after over 20 years can still be a stepping off point in Cubase. I hope this might be useful to some.
Jack, the Quiet Bear


In Cubase use Safe as template command from File menu. The project is stored to the dedicated folder. Then you have an access to all templates from the Steinberg Hub.

If you are using audio, don’t forget to clean up the Pool before saving the project template.