Sound Randomizer

Just to clarify…

The “supreme” sound randomizer does not affect, morph or randomize the sound of vst instruments or vst effects, but only adds random tonal variations of pitch, timbre, impact and timing to selected audio files in the project window?
And this is called sound design?

To the best of my knowledge it was only ever advertised as radomizing ‘audio’ files…

Sound design means different things in different contexts.

In games, film and TV, sound design does not really relate at all to instruments or vstis. Indeed instruments may be used to create content as such, but doesn’t have anything to do with the actual design of sound as such. Many times no instruments are used at all and the sound design is created by editing/layering and processing audio to create a
Sequence of sounds they conveys something or may also be the design of an explosion editing and layering the differen parts together. And it may also "just be the choices of sounds that are used as that in its of is also a sound design decision. Here the spectrum is quite wide.

Unfortunately music areas also use the term, and there it tends to relate to how you create content for various instruments or how you design your composite sound in a piece of music.

So the nomenclature are exactly the same, but the meaning and what it "entails) is different.

This type of sound design relates to the first definition.

… then, there are those who use the term because it’s the new buzz-phrase, and it sounds “hip”. :smiley: