Could someone pls have a listen to attached piece and tell me why from the glissando in the violin in bar 5, a piano sound is added to the violin line? When point/tapping on a note in Write mode only a violin note rings out–the problem only occurs during playback.
Spark - Mvmt (1.4 MB)
I don’t have Pianoteq 8 STAGE on my system, so when I open your project the piano staff doesn’t play back at all. Listening to the violin staff on its own, I don’t hear any piano sounds. If you play back only the violin staff, do you still hear the piano notes? What pitches are they? Do you still hear them in an exported audio file? If so, perhaps you could export an MP3 file and attach it here.
Selecting a string of notes on the violin staff and playing back does NOT reveal the piano sound. Exporting the audio DOES. Here’s a snippet of what I’m hearing. For starters, the glissando shouldn’t be doubled in the piano (in fact, it shouldn’t be chromatic at all–any suggestions here?)
At some point, you added an extra staff to your piano instrument, and it has a whole load of music on it, apparently doubling the violin part. Select the first note at the start of the first bar of the RH piano staff, right-click and choose Staff > Extra Staff Above to reveal the staff full of music there. You probably want to delete all of that music.
In case it’s not clear, just deleting the added staff does not delete the notes. You have to empty the staff completely before removing it. (And even then, Dorico still remembers the staff.) This feature is useful for playback rendition of ornaments and other such situations.
You meant “Add Staff Above”.
That did it!